Monday, 31 December 2007
Sunday, 30 December 2007
They're home in Hong Kong... soon to move to Macau.
Tomos, Emma, Abigail and Matilda flew out of Australia yesterday, Tom rang to say the flight hadn't been too bad and they were back home safely... always good to know they've made it isn't it. It's always so sad to see them go again but we can Webcam.
This article was in a Macau magazine, Tomo will be getting straight back to work at the 'Venetian' bringing all sorts of shows to Macau as well as singing there himself.
David took them all to the Airport in the Big Green Bus!
Silly battery on camera died just when I was taking a photo of Tom with his girls... but the photo is in my head.
Saturday, 29 December 2007
W19. Scatterday 'Y' - Green, School Days & Animal
What a lovely busy week with two delicious little girls to enjoy the company of :-) they fly back to Hong Kong this morning though and we don't know when we'll see them again :-( but there's always Webcam!
Anyway onto Scatterday.
Green - Yeoman (noun - Officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch.)
1. Green Yeoman at Attention.
2. Green Yeoman Marching.
3. Green Yeoman Dismissed.
School Days - It's a long story but I went to 13 different schools and was never expelled... :-) My Dad was in the Army and we lived in out of the way places in country NSW. We'd come to the City for months at a time and stay with my Mama and Poppa so that Dad could do Officer Training or Mum could have another baby or some such thing... I would go to school with my dear darling Mama who was a teacher. One of the schools I went to at about the age of 5 or 6 was Yagoona Public School and here I am at that age with two photos stolen from the Internet photos of the aforementioned school.
Animals - Well they're all Yellow aren't they!! That's the best I could do I'm afraid, there aren't any Yak Babushkas that I know of LOL. I love the Teddy Bears don't you :-)
Friday, 28 December 2007
Why, they're just family of mine, Family of mine, You're liable for to see them round here any old time!
With Apologies to Sam Cook! :-)
Thursday, 27 December 2007
Do you know what we love? Do you know what we really love?? Do you know what our very favourite Summer Fruit is????
It's deliciously sweet, run down the arm juicy NECTARINES!! Thank you Kerry and Peter, they're were the best!!
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Christmas is so much fun when the Whole Family gets together....

Christmas is so much fun when the Whole Family gets together...., originally uploaded by Pennie David.
Jackson Harry on Christmas Day...

Boy oh boy did Jackson do well... Transformers called Optomiss Prime and Bumble Bee to name a few, Donatello Ninja Turtle, Shoes that light up just like his best mate Bailey's and a Grab Ball!! Not only that but Santa left one of his bells behind for Jack... just like in the movie Polar Express... aaaaahhhhhh
Tuesday, 25 December 2007
Happy Christmas Everybody......
Here we are under the Christmas Bush which is at it's absolute best this year just perfect for Emma, Abigail and Matilda's first Aussie Christmas and Tom's first in 5 years... pity about the cold 16c weather, I don't think I've ever, in 62 years, had such a cold one as this... maybe Emma bought it with her LOL
Monday, 24 December 2007
Lucky we have Abigail here this Christmas, she's doing all the baking that will get done... Pennie doesn't do Christmas Baking.
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Saturday, 22 December 2007
W18. Scatterday 'S' - Medical, Beverages & Christmas.
I really am up early today, it's our extended family Christmas Party... I've already got the 9 kilo pumped leg of pork into the Kamado (BBQ), in about 7 hours it will be a lovely juicy leg of ham... the Turkey is sitting on the bench waiting to go in the other Kamado a little later. I probably won't be checking all your Scatterday's till tomorrow now.
Medical - This Nurse is wielding a Syringe, an old stethoscope given to the children by a Dr friend and here is the Surgical Team ready to Operate on that little boy on the left.
Beverages - Take some Ice Cream and some Diet Coke, mix them together and you get a Spider... didn't taste as good as I remember though :-)
Christmas - I've taken the easy option this time so here are SOME of my Santa Babushkas that are scattered all over the house right now.
Thursday, 20 December 2007
1. Jackson teaching the girls how to do Transformers which is a passion of his at the moment, these Transformers are about 20 years old and used to belong to Uncle Gwilym.
2. Charlie decorating the tree.
3. Charlie and Tilly.
4. That's my Daddy singing on the Telly.
Griffiths Family Christmas Newsletter - December 2007

Photo... David's Leyland TD 4, Pennie's Christmas Quilt, Pennie's Hexagons and Grandchildren are the BEST!
As I write we’re experiencing thunder, lightning rain and hail on an almost daily basis, the drought may have broken over Sydney but it’s still really bad out in the countryside… we’re always thinking of those out there who are trying to make a living off the land, it’s tough but they’re tougher thankfully!
David’s highlight of the year was getting the Leyland TD4 back onto the road for Australia Day’s Motorfest, after 16 years of stop start restoration. The photographers and film makers were out on the streets of Sydney to see this magnificent beast packed to overflowing with passengers enjoying the Australia Day Celebration with Gwilym playing conductor once again. Don’t worry the Albion didn’t miss out she either followed along behind or led the way with Craig from the Museum at the wheel. David’s enjoying his days volunteering at the Bus Museum at Tempe finding more volunteers from the Volunteering Centre, he’s found Jodi who does the Newsletter, Osman is restoring the White bus and Ying is doing the Database all very successfully. David was photographed by Scott McGregor for Scott’s new book called Big Boys’ Toys which we’re all looking forward to seeing in the NewYear.
Pennie finished several more quilts and promptly gave most of them away except for the Christmas one above, this one’s staying here and will have its stockings filled for the Grandchildren each year, it’s a group Row X Row with some of the rows being made by my local quilting friends, I put it together and added the embellishments. The half inch hexagon quilt that I showed you last year has grown, I’m straightening it up at the moment for a border of some sort of applique… it will be three years of hand work soon ☺ but I’m in no hurry! Life is really terrific in my little piece of paradise, I get to see my little Grandboys on a weekly basis, keep in close contact with my little Grandgirls via Webcam or phone, do a bit of baby sitting here and there, get up to see Mum and Dad often, love our family celebrations, play tennis weekly, off to Quilting Gatherings regularly, off for the odd weekend away with David, I love keeping up with my friends via the Internet and really enjoy keeping my Blog going for family and friends all over the World… Life is good!
The Tim Thompsons, Jackson & Charlie - The Tom Griffiths, Abigail &

Nerys, Tim, Jackson Harry and Charlie Ripley bought their first home this year and since they moved in it’s been ‘Renovation Central’ with wonderful things happening in every room much to the excitement of the boys who’d like to help more often than they are allowed ☺ Tim, with the help of a couple of mates, has spent just about every Saturday working and they have to be very proud of the excellent results. Jackson turned five this year and since then has not only grown in height but in confidence as well. He’s already had several visits to the Primary School he will be going to next year and has met his two Buddies (two year 6 boys who will look out for him) he told me, ‘One’s called Michael like our cousin the Jockey and the other one is Happy.’ I did wonder, but the other one’s name really is Happy Singh! Isn’t that lovely. Charlie’s a real personality, he’s almost 20 months old and is the sweetest most enquiring cheekiest little boy with a whole lot of facial expressions that just make you melt… but you’ve got to keep your eye on him, he likes to get up to mischief or thinks he can do what his big brother can do and Nerys is worrying that he will think his name is CHARLIE NO! or NOCHARLIE! ☺. Charlie had a baby naming party earlier in the year with Steve coming all the way from England to be a Godparent along with Gwilym and Briony, another lovely celebration! Both the boys are loving, well mannered, a pleasure to be with or talk to on the phone they are a real credit to Nerys’ and Tim’s parenting.
The T.E.A.M. (aka Tom, Emma, Abigail and Matilda) Oh did I tell you about Matilda… our beautiful fourth grandchild was born in London on the 8th of January this year and we were very lucky to meet her just 6 weeks later when they all came home for a three week visit at the end of March. It’s always lovely to have all 14 of us together and it was fantastic seeing how the Grandboys played with the Grandgirls, Abigail took a particualar liking to Charlie, calling him ChaChi which is a nickname still being heard around him. Abigail knew who we were having seen us on Webcam often and she slotted into her Aussie home very comfortably, Abigail turned 3 this month and by the sound of it on the phone really enjoyed the Hi5 Christmas DVD we sent her… she was talking to me on the phone while she opened her present and then all I got was silence till I heard the music going and Tom told me she was dancing already… Abigail just loves to Dance!
Abi is a lovely sister to Matilda we watch her over the Webcam she’s very gentle and patient even when she has to put up with Tilly’s pulling her piggy tail or some such thing but Tilly isn’t one year old yet so doesn’t really understand. The T.E.A.M. packed up their London home, letting it for a few years then moved to Macau, they’re in Hong Kong at the moment and have decided on an apartment to buy in Macau where they will live while working in the Entertainment Industry. Both Tom and Emma have put on and performed in enormous Spectaculars both in London and Shanghai… to name just two… Tom and Emma juggle their heavy work load and parenting with amazing aplomb, our little Grandgirls are bright bubbly and full of fun - an absolutely delight! The T.E.A.M. are living a lot closer to us now and when they’re settled we may go over for a little visit but firstly the excitement this Christmas is palpable… the T.E.A.M. will arrive in Australia on the 19th December for Christmas, it’s at least 5 years since Tom spent Christmas with us and this will be the first Hot Christmas for all the girls… We just can’t wait to have a good catch up with Tom and Emma and to find out more about our little girls and see how they’ve grown, we’re counting the sleeps!
Tom & Emma's Spectacular, Briony & Joon, Gwilym & Emily.

Briony and Joon are moving to Canberra in January, Briony has a new job with the Department of Workplace Relations which she is very excited about, we’re going to miss them a lot but Canberra is about a 4 hour drive away so we hope we will still see them for family celebrations and so on. This Year Joon has been appointed Korean Co-ordinator for Taylor & Scott (Immigration Lawyers). All the Korean community who come to him for legal assistance can now have the help of the law firm but Joon will go with Briony to Canberra for the first 6 months so he can finish his PhD without all the interruptions he has in Sydney. They’ve loved living in Kirribilli right beside a little park on Sydney Harbour doing their yoga there on fine days and both of them were recently seen on the telly on Election night partying with Maxine McKew as she ousted our sitting Prime Minister, John Howard from his seat of 33 years, the Liberals lost the whole election so for the next three years Australia has a new Labour Government with a new Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd and we all wish them well, we thought a change of Government was needed.
Gwil's Falcon, Rosie & Rip, Michael & The Griffiths Family.

Gwilym and Emily were engaged in Paris last year so started this year with two French Themed Engagement Parties – a morning tea for the extended families, and an afternoon tea with friends, both in our garden which Gwilym had designed and done a lot of much needed work on. In April they moved from home to the same building they’d lived in in 2005 at St Leonards with lovely views north and what they call the ‘Eiffel Tower’ aka Channel 9’s TV Tower. Gwil walks to his new job with a commercial Landscape Architecture firm, called Arterra designing Golf Courses, Resorts, Residential Estates and Public Spaces. He’s loving the change from running his own business in residential landscape and is enjoying the challenge of designing larger scale public landscapes. Em left FBi Radio (94.5FM) in October after almost 3 years, and has started as Marketing Manager for Mixed Industry Offices in Rushcutters Bay (they do music events such as Splendour in the Grass, and run the online Arts Community site 'Noise') – much nicer than Redfern. Em still does an on-air segment on FBi so she hasn’t left completely. Gwilym bought a Classic XP Falcon this year which is now in competition with Emily for his attention. The '65 Falcon was purchased from a 91 year old man who had owned the car since new, so Gwilym is the second owner! He swears he is not becoming like his father, but reports suggest otherwise!!! Emily and Gwilym are hoping to buy a house in the new year and are looking at moving into the city or inner west areas. Gwil and Em did manage, between Em’s job change, two weeks in Thailand visiting Bangkok, Railay, Phi Phi and Phuket. Lots of snorkeling, beach time and an elephant ride too.
Ripley & Rosie - Mum and Dad continue to surprise and amaze us with their joy in their family and joy in life in general, they have their ups and downs healthwise but are always positive and it’s a pleasure to see them and to help in what ever way we can. They keep up with all their Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren either in person or on the Internet, Rosie being very competent with the Webcam and chatting to Abigail and Matilda when the Great Grandgirls were still in London.
The biggest excitement in the family this year was when my Nephew Michael Rodd rode ‘Efficient’ in the Melbourne Cup and WON!! Michael WON the Melbourne Cup… Everybody in Australia stops for the running of the Melbourne Cup, even Parliament stops to watch the race and put a couple of dollars in a Sweep or at the TAB… they have to quadruple the staff at the TAB’s all over Australia because 90% of those betting only do it once a year. ☺ Nothing is as exciting or as big as this in Australia, this is BIG!! … So do you get the gist of the excitement in the family for weeks after the event ☺ It was and still is huge!
Once again this Newsletter has been hard to keep in check, it just sort of grows and grows, I guess I should call it my 2007 Diary ☺
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Checking off my list... no more sleeps they're in the Air!!
All but two pressies done and hidden away under the table, it was the only space I could find after rearranging all the furniture and losing my hiding places. Bedrooms are ready, extra car seat hired and installed, Wollies have just delivered, fridge packed, dish washer and washing machine are on... other than a couple of little things I think I can say... we're ready!!
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Monday, 17 December 2007
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Meet Tony, the Smith Family Santa.
For the last 20 years Tony has welcomed us when we pick up the Christmas Smith Family Hampers for delivery... but he's been doing it - in the suit - for 37 years and this is the first time anyone has taken his photo he told me. Here he is bright and chirpy at 7:45 this morning but it was a different story when returned at about 11am, (we had to bring back a hamper because someone wasn't home) Tony was seated looking pooped... but still waving and smiling :-) nice bloke, originally from Yorkshire.
We spent the morning at Glenmore Park an enormous estate, with enormous homes, nice enough except for the roads... there wasn't 100m straight, it's like a wriggly wiggly worm designed them LOL we think they might be like this to stop kids racing!
Saturday, 15 December 2007
W17. Scatterday 'D' - Sewing, Vehicles & Touchy Feely.
Another fun week with my mind thinking D D D something starting with D all the while doing exciting Christmas things! It turned out easy in the end as it mostly does with a lot of fun and laughs.
Sewing -
1. See these four Dearest, Delightful, Delicious, Darling Children of mine... well they Don't sew... I know I'm just trying it on here aren't I! It wasn't me, it was Nerys' idea!
2. Aaahhhh now inside this Dear Doll, is thread and a needle so she must sew away when my back is turned... I've never tried to use the needle and thread it looks a bit coarse!
3. My favourite Doll fabric found for me by Loz earlier in the year, don't you just love it?
Vehicle - too easy, this is another one handed to me on a platter!
1. David's Leyland Double Decker and David's Albion Double Decker on Australia Day this year.
2. David's Leyland Double Decker at Luna Park last month celebrating 75 years of Government Buses.
3. David's Double Decker Dinky Collection.
Touchy Feely - this was too easy again although I did spend the week trying to avoid using him LOL
1. David is Touching and feeling me!
2. What a piece of luck this set of Babushkas only arrived from Russia on Thursday and what's a Doctor if he's not Touchy Feely?? BTW Customs opened them LOL I suppose they would be a good place to hide something naughty in wouldn't they!
3. David is very Touchy Feely if you're on the receiving end! Funny is that Michelle I hear screaming... Too much information :-)
This was a funny week! Thanks Michelle and Dy... you two have been in my head for 17 weeks now but I love it!
Friday, 14 December 2007
Thursday, 13 December 2007
It's UP!
I have this thing about the 12 Days of Christmas, I'm not a religious person but do know they start on the 25th of December and finish on the 5th of January. I like to tell myself - and the children when they were little - that the Christmas Tree mustn't go up until 12 days before Christmas and must come down 12 days after on the 5th of Jan... that's what I like to tell myself anyway... but the best laid plans and all that!! I try not to let my mother know if I do take my tree down before the 5th because once a very long time ago my Grandmother was taking down decorations before the 12th night and she fell off the ladder and broke her arm and in that same year my Grandfather died suddenly - so it's been drilled into me since I was little and to this day that it's very bad luck to take your tree down early or even late.
Today is 12 days before Christmas and our beautiful fresh smelling tree is up in its bucket of water full of bricks to keep it stable. I'll let the Grandchildren help decorate it this year... only 7 more sleeps till the T.E.A.M. arrive!!
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Look what Nerys and Jackson made - while Charlie was sleeping :-)
All wrapped up and sitting on top of the kitchen dresser... there's Santa - his sleigh full of presents, there's a tree with presents around the bottom of it, a freckle Christmas wreath on the front door, a Curly Wurly along the ridge of the roof, licorice logs around the windows and Rudolf has a red jelly nose! All and more details were shown and described to us by Jackson with great pride! Well done Nerys and Jackson I can't wait to help demolish it. LOL
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
Birds Nest.

We are absolutely fascinated with this beautiful birds nest, we know the birds got the outer part of the nest from our brushwood fences and we know they got the inner part from the coconut fibre linings of our hanging baskets but where did they get the white soft downy inner lining... is it their own down or something? It looks like it could quilt wadding! Nature is so Wonderful isn't it.
Wow! Look what I made...
I bought a Wedge Ruler about 100 years ago and at about this time every year I curse because I've not made that Christmas Tree Skirt I was going to make so I wrap a bit of fabric around the bucket and fasten it with very old nappy pins and promise to make the skirt next year but by the 12 day of Christmas when the tree gets thrown out and the decorations get put away I'm already over it then when December comes the next year I go through the same curse LOL But not any more... I've very pleased with the way it turned out and want to pick it up wrap it around me and dance!! might have to finish it off properly first though.
Monday, 10 December 2007
Happy 3rd Birthday Abigail Rose - Only NINE more sleeps till we see you again! Yippee!!

Happy 3rd Birthday Abigail Rose - Only NINE more sleeps till we see you again! Yippee!!, originally uploaded by Pennie David.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
This is Sydney in Summer...
We've been experiencing several of these hail storms lately, it doesn't happen every year but this year we've had so much rain I can't remember a year quite so wet. It happens so quickly, the sun is out David mows the lawn, the garden is in tip top shape then in the distance you hear a low rumble of thunder which gets louder and louder and then the skies open up and belt us with rain and hail. Next door have a tin roof and the noise from our home is deafening - I can't imagine what it's like inside :-) It's rather exciting and one goes from window to window looking out till it's over... our grape and wisteria vines have been shredded this time :-((( not good for the heat to come, we need that shade.
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Scatterday 'K' - Dangerous, Blue & In my Neighbourhood.
Too easy for me this week… I like easy when I’m busy ☺
Dangerous - Knives… Babushkas first up today and my don’t they look Dangerous with their knives in their belts!!
Blue - King… It just so happens that Jackson Harry managed to find ‘King’ last week, King’s been the only Car missing from his collection for the past 18 months. King is from the movie ‘Cars’ but that’s all I know so don’t ask me any questions.
In My Neighourhood - It could have been me who chose this letter and category couldn’t it ☺
1. Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council Golf Course
2. Eccleston Du Faur was the first Manager Trustee of the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
3. Sign at the gates to Bobbin Head.
Friday, 7 December 2007
8 Years of JAP's Christmas Cards.
My friend Jan makes her own Christmas Cards every year, I find them too lovely to throw out so I frame then, here's 8 years worth and I'm looking forward to my 9th!
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Lunch just gets better and betterer....
Tuesday Lunch - Vegemite Sandwich - Alone.
Wednesday Lunch - Salmon and Cheese Quesadillas - with Charlie.
Thursday Lunch - Seared Scallops, Hoi sin Duck & Chocolate Fondant - with Mum and Dad.
The Scallops were devine, the Duck not good but you can see the Chocolate Fondant was too good to photograph LOL
BTW That's Mum's Coffee, I haven't taken that stuff up!
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Charlie Ripley came to Lunch!
Charlie and I spent most of the day together today while his mummy did some Christmas shopping, he was a lovely boy and as you can see he enjoys the camera and his food. Here he is playing up for the Camera, stuffing as much cheese into his mouth that will fit, admiring the family High Chair that's been sat on by Rodd's for 5 Generations. He then helped Pennie clean up but.... oooops where did his lunch go LOL
Monday, 3 December 2007
This is where David was yesterday, he left home at 4:30am and wasn't home till 8:30pm, he had a lovely day though.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
Charlie's Squeezy, Cuddly Hugs... all around the table till he spotted Jackson doing something interesting!
Boys will be boys... I bought these Noodles for gentle floating in the pool, not to be used as Weapons!
Saturday, 1 December 2007
W15 Scatterday 'M' - Textures, Weapons & Hobby.
Texture = Marble - cold, smooth and beautiful Marble.
1. An old piece of Marble with a little forest growing on it.
2. Marble Chopping Board.
3. One of three Marble topped sewing machine bases we have in the garden.
Weapon = ‘Mum will sit on you!’ When my children were small and came home from school complaining about another child, the teacher or too much Homework I always told them not to worry, they were to tell who ever was bothering them that their ‘Mum will Sit on them!’ until the person or whatever behaved… a very dangerous Weapon indeed!!
1. Who would believe this sweet Mum could be such a dangerous Weapon.
2. Four children have been bought up with ‘Mum’ as their Weapon.
3. She looks very dangerous that ‘Mum who will SIT on you!’ LOL
Hobby = Now I know I’m going to get shot down in flames for this but I just had to do it… I looked at all my Men Babushkas for Weapons and there were plenty of knives and the Pirates had nasty looking things that I might have called a Machete but I knew Michelle would tell me it was really a Cutlass so this is what I’m trying on you… Babushka’s are also known as Matrouskha and one of my Hobbies is to collect Matroushka’s!!
These beautiful Matrouskha’s are what’s called Pokerwork, they aren’t shiny like the rest of my Babushka’s… oooops I mean Matrouska’s!! ☺
BTW I’ve only used my Babushka’s in 6 of the 15 Scatterday’s… ☹ in case you thought I'd used them every week that is!
Friday, 30 November 2007
Help... What will I do now???
This has been my hand sewing for the last two years, the hexagons are half inch and so far the quilt measures 52" X 67" (132cm X 170cm) I have two straight borders now and was going to put little round hexagon flowers in the gaps down the triangle sides but now I think it will be too much... I think I will just fill in the triangles with white hexagons then I think I will put an Applique border on next but what sort of Applique Border???
And what about the corners???
I think - I think - I think... Help!!