The Tim Thompsons, Jackson & Charlie - The Tom Griffiths, Abigail &

Nerys, Tim, Jackson Harry and Charlie Ripley bought their first home this year and since they moved in it’s been ‘Renovation Central’ with wonderful things happening in every room much to the excitement of the boys who’d like to help more often than they are allowed ☺ Tim, with the help of a couple of mates, has spent just about every Saturday working and they have to be very proud of the excellent results. Jackson turned five this year and since then has not only grown in height but in confidence as well. He’s already had several visits to the Primary School he will be going to next year and has met his two Buddies (two year 6 boys who will look out for him) he told me, ‘One’s called Michael like our cousin the Jockey and the other one is Happy.’ I did wonder, but the other one’s name really is Happy Singh! Isn’t that lovely. Charlie’s a real personality, he’s almost 20 months old and is the sweetest most enquiring cheekiest little boy with a whole lot of facial expressions that just make you melt… but you’ve got to keep your eye on him, he likes to get up to mischief or thinks he can do what his big brother can do and Nerys is worrying that he will think his name is CHARLIE NO! or NOCHARLIE! ☺. Charlie had a baby naming party earlier in the year with Steve coming all the way from England to be a Godparent along with Gwilym and Briony, another lovely celebration! Both the boys are loving, well mannered, a pleasure to be with or talk to on the phone they are a real credit to Nerys’ and Tim’s parenting.
The T.E.A.M. (aka Tom, Emma, Abigail and Matilda) Oh did I tell you about Matilda… our beautiful fourth grandchild was born in London on the 8th of January this year and we were very lucky to meet her just 6 weeks later when they all came home for a three week visit at the end of March. It’s always lovely to have all 14 of us together and it was fantastic seeing how the Grandboys played with the Grandgirls, Abigail took a particualar liking to Charlie, calling him ChaChi which is a nickname still being heard around him. Abigail knew who we were having seen us on Webcam often and she slotted into her Aussie home very comfortably, Abigail turned 3 this month and by the sound of it on the phone really enjoyed the Hi5 Christmas DVD we sent her… she was talking to me on the phone while she opened her present and then all I got was silence till I heard the music going and Tom told me she was dancing already… Abigail just loves to Dance!
Abi is a lovely sister to Matilda we watch her over the Webcam she’s very gentle and patient even when she has to put up with Tilly’s pulling her piggy tail or some such thing but Tilly isn’t one year old yet so doesn’t really understand. The T.E.A.M. packed up their London home, letting it for a few years then moved to Macau, they’re in Hong Kong at the moment and have decided on an apartment to buy in Macau where they will live while working in the Entertainment Industry. Both Tom and Emma have put on and performed in enormous Spectaculars both in London and Shanghai… to name just two… Tom and Emma juggle their heavy work load and parenting with amazing aplomb, our little Grandgirls are bright bubbly and full of fun - an absolutely delight! The T.E.A.M. are living a lot closer to us now and when they’re settled we may go over for a little visit but firstly the excitement this Christmas is palpable… the T.E.A.M. will arrive in Australia on the 19th December for Christmas, it’s at least 5 years since Tom spent Christmas with us and this will be the first Hot Christmas for all the girls… We just can’t wait to have a good catch up with Tom and Emma and to find out more about our little girls and see how they’ve grown, we’re counting the sleeps!
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