W17. Scatterday 'D' - Sewing, Vehicles & Touchy Feely.
Another fun week with my mind thinking D D D something starting with D all the while doing exciting Christmas things! It turned out easy in the end as it mostly does with a lot of fun and laughs.
Sewing -
1. See these four Dearest, Delightful, Delicious, Darling Children of mine... well they Don't sew... I know I'm just trying it on here aren't I! It wasn't me, it was Nerys' idea!
2. Aaahhhh now inside this Dear Doll, is thread and a needle so she must sew away when my back is turned... I've never tried to use the needle and thread it looks a bit coarse!
3. My favourite Doll fabric found for me by Loz earlier in the year, don't you just love it?
Vehicle - too easy, this is another one handed to me on a platter!
1. David's Leyland Double Decker and David's Albion Double Decker on Australia Day this year.
2. David's Leyland Double Decker at Luna Park last month celebrating 75 years of Government Buses.
3. David's Double Decker Dinky Collection.
Touchy Feely - this was too easy again although I did spend the week trying to avoid using him LOL
1. David is Touching and feeling me!
2. What a piece of luck this set of Babushkas only arrived from Russia on Thursday and what's a Doctor if he's not Touchy Feely?? BTW Customs opened them LOL I suppose they would be a good place to hide something naughty in wouldn't they!
3. David is very Touchy Feely if you're on the receiving end! Funny is that Michelle I hear screaming... Too much information :-)
This was a funny week! Thanks Michelle and Dy... you two have been in my head for 17 weeks now but I love it!
This was a fluke, I didn't change the time on this post and I burst out laughing when I saw it. How clever am I!! Off to bed now though. Pennie
Love your choices! You are very cheeky!
Double decker buses...I loved riding in those...such memories...
and I also love your Matroushka dolls. I don't mind how much you use them, I love seeing them. I only have 2 sets (soon to be 3) but intend getting more.
Wasn't D a good letter for you! David and the Double Deckers and the Dolls. And you're right - too much information about David!
I was beginning to think no Babuschkas and there they are new ones to boot. Well done
Oh snap - well it would have been if I'd had time for photography this week! I have a lovely touchy-feely David too! And double deckers - perfect! I have doll fabric too but didn't think of it. And that's a great Babuschka.
This week was made for you Pennie! Love the surgeon babushkas, and double decker buses - perfect... David (himself a perfect subject) must have been beside himself with joy that his bus was a star :-)
I had a private bet with myself about the Double Deckers...and was curious to see HOW rather than IF you would deploy the babushkas. Didn't think of David, but how useful for you, even if you were seeing if you could give Michelle a case of the squicks!
Too much information indeed - and I thought this was a nice clean family blog, Pennie. Next thing you'll be R-rated! (and we'll all be knocked down in the rush to see what you and David have been up to :-)) But seriously, there should be more of it!!!!
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