Saturday, 1 December 2007

W15 Scatterday 'M' - Textures, Weapons & Hobby.

Texture = Marble - cold, smooth and beautiful Marble.
1. An old piece of Marble with a little forest growing on it.
2. Marble Chopping Board.
3. One of three Marble topped sewing machine bases we have in the garden.

Weapon = ‘Mum will sit on you!’ When my children were small and came home from school complaining about another child, the teacher or too much Homework I always told them not to worry, they were to tell who ever was bothering them that their ‘Mum will Sit on them!’ until the person or whatever behaved… a very dangerous Weapon indeed!!
1. Who would believe this sweet Mum could be such a dangerous Weapon.
2. Four children have been bought up with ‘Mum’ as their Weapon.
3. She looks very dangerous that ‘Mum who will SIT on you!’ LOL

Hobby = Now I know I’m going to get shot down in flames for this but I just had to do it… I looked at all my Men Babushkas for Weapons and there were plenty of knives and the Pirates had nasty looking things that I might have called a Machete but I knew Michelle would tell me it was really a Cutlass so this is what I’m trying on you… Babushka’s are also known as Matrouskha and one of my Hobbies is to collect Matroushka’s!!
These beautiful Matrouskha’s are what’s called Pokerwork, they aren’t shiny like the rest of my Babushka’s… oooops I mean Matrouska’s!! ☺
BTW I’ve only used my Babushka’s in 6 of the 15 Scatterday’s… ☹ in case you thought I'd used them every week that is!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did you post this at 6.34am when its only 6.01 Pennie?

Saturday, 1 December 2007 at 06:02:00 GMT+11  
Blogger Michelle Watters said...

I knew they were coming - I just didn't know which category they would be in. All very good photos. And I have never thought of you as a weapon - more of a warhead?

Saturday, 1 December 2007 at 09:23:00 GMT+11  
Blogger Dy said...

Love your weapon Pennie - "Mum will sit on you" indeed! LOL

Saturday, 1 December 2007 at 20:44:00 GMT+11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Pennie, for a minute I thought we were going to miss out on the wonderful dolls. Well done!

Saturday, 1 December 2007 at 22:43:00 GMT+11  
Blogger rooruu said...

Lovely work, Pennie - does the ABC Collectors program know about you and your Babushka/Matrushkas?? They oughta...

Sunday, 2 December 2007 at 12:23:00 GMT+11  
Blogger Nola said...

I looked at the photos and thought, "Where's the weapon? It must be on the Babushkas" But a sit-upon-you Mum... that's priceless!

Monday, 3 December 2007 at 21:24:00 GMT+11  

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