Preparations are underway...

Nerys and Jackson Harry have moved into '333' for a few nights in preparation for Sundays big family reunion. Tim will move in Saturday and Briony and Joon will arrive first thing on Sunday morning while I go out to the Airport to pick up Tom, Emma and Abigail Rose... this will be the first time we've all been together since April 2003 when Tom and Emma were married just before leaving Australia to make their home in London. David and I are the only ones who have met Abigail Rose so excitement here is on an all time high. All the bedrooms have been prepared, we have a basket full of toys that Abi will like... all old but goodies belonging to her father and Aunts and Uncle! Jack and I have decided which of my Teddy collection should go in Abi's room and a BBQ with more than 50 family members is organized for lunch on Sunday... it's a 'Welcome Home' for David and Pennie, 'Farewell and have a Great Trip' for Gwilym and Emily, 'Welcome Back' for Tom and Emma and a 'Pleased to meet you' for Abigail... we have 5 nights together before Gwil and Emily leave on the 31st so we've got a lot planned.
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