Wednesday, 22 March 2006

The Great Blubberhouses Mystery

When we were in Yorkshire last year we drove through an almost non existant village called Blubberhouses, we were highly amused so took a photo of a sign for this Blog. About 3 months later I was checking my Lilliput Lane house list to see how many cottages I had in Devon and Cornwall in the hope of driving past one if the location was listed... the name Blubberhouses jumped out at me! On my Lilliput Lane Database, which I updated before we left by taking every house down, recording it, dusting it and returning it to the shelves in the Living room. My list said I had St John the Baptist Church in Blubberhouses, North Yorkshire in my collection... I was spitting chips of course, fancy not knowing I had something in a Village called Blubberhouses.

The very day we returned to Sydney I searched my now 107 houses for St John the Baptist Church to no avail. I then searched the record books I have that Lilliput Lane send me each year and found a picture of the said Church... it first appeared in 1996 and was discontinued in 2001... funny I thought to myself, I don't remember this Church... I have two Churches that I do remember though... I peered closer and closer at the photo and noticed a Minister at the door waiting for a lady taking her baby out of a pram... I still didn't remember this Church so I searched my file which includes all the Deed cards that come with every house when you buy it and yes! I have a Deed card for the aforementioned Church.

The photo I have in the book and on the Deed card of St John the Baptist is almost identical to photos of the real Church which is called St Andrews and according to the Internet name Blubberhouse comes from 'Houses at the bubbling spring' which sort of makes sense.

The Mystery...
Did I ever own this Church?
What has happened to it?
Was it stolen?
Why would anyone steal it?
If it was stolen how come I don't remember it when I remember all the others?
I wouldn't have a Deed card if I didn't have the house though... would I?

This Mystery will have to stay unsolved methinks!


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