
We are doing final packing and sorting. Tom and Emma are on the phone trying to reorganize their Mortgage before Tom flies to Dubai then Hong Kong tomorrow. They are also on the phone organizing Insurance for the Pug we are leaving for them. Emma has Dance moves in her head because in one week she flies to Hong Kong then China for a couple of gigs, she is also trying to organize for a pair of Wings that folded up measure 3 metres 60 cms long, she has to get them to Wood Green first then to Heathrow for her flight. Abigail isn’t 100% she still has a cold but is happy dancing and pottering around us all.

Monday Morning in London...
1:30pm London Time... Abigail is asleep which is a hard place to get her so Tom drove us to Turnpike Lane with all our luggage… left us up the top of the stairs and went and parked the car putting £1 in the metre then rang Emma to tell her where it was so she could come and pick it up when Abigail wakes up. The three of us manhandle 2x30kg bags, 2x18kg bags, an over packed backpack and my over packed computer bag down the stairs then escalators and onto a thankfully almost empty Tube Train. We feel quite nostalgic on our last trip on the Piccadilly Line during the 90 minute trip to Heathrow… our flight doesn’t leave till 9:25pm but Tom has a gig in the City at 5:30pm and we are only too happy to be relaxing in the Business Lounge at the Airport. Emma rings… she walked Abi up to the car to discover she’d left the keys at home so had to go back for them and when she got back to the car again she had a parking Ticket for £40 ($A94.69) Poor Emma she has too much on her mind.
11:35pm London Time (Still Monday)… Our plane takes off, more than 2 hours late but we are thrilled with our flat beds upstairs and all the light and space around us we can easily get up and walk around without disturbing anyone, our seats/beds are right at the back of the 20 seats and face each other so it is easy to talk and I face the way the plane is going so get to see the cockpit every time the door opens which is reassuring because they look important in there and there is always something going. Dinner starts off with Crayfish Tail with Mango and Coriander Salad and never lets up, we are called by name by both lots of staff, which is nice.
This is the best timed flight to take because you take off at night and after Dinner the lights are turned off and it’s very easy to sleep… well for an hour or two here and there… then we are woken up just before Bangkok for breakfast of Fresh Fruit Smoothies as well as the full English Breakfast if we want it. We have made up almost one hour and the decision has been made to have a quick turn around so we can get off the plane if we want but we wouldn’t be able to get to the Lounge and back in the time allowed so there goes my planned Shower but I’d rather get to Sydney on time so stay on the plane while 100’s of Thai’s clean and change our pillow slips and so on then we are off again.
It’s evening again so after another lovely meal the lights are turned off and sleep is possible… THEN!!! Less than 2 hours from Sydney the lights come on and the Pilot tells us we have a sick passenger and have to divert to Adelaide, which is only 40 minutes away… it’s pitch dark in Adelaide and there are 3 ambulances on the tarmac… The Drama we think is going to unfold doesn’t really happen and I think the passenger walks off the plane with her travelling companions and all their luggage… we all have to wait on the plane but luckily we can get up and walk around and peer out windows… not like those downstairs who have to stay in their seats till they get her off. THEN we have to wait for approval for more fuel… BA’s credit hasn’t been established in Adelaide methinks LOL. We are off and by now starving so enjoy a large fresh breakfast.
11am Wednesday Sydney time
Sydney is below us… it’s cloudy but we get a great view of the Harbour and come in over Rodd Island, which is always a thrill for me and we are HOME!! THEN… some other plane is in our exit bay so we have to sit and wait for 10 mins!! We are almost 5 hours late!
We Declare David’s Hops and my French tinned food which they don’t like because one of them has some egg white in it but they let it through…. And there they all are… Briony, Joon, Nerys and Jackson Harry who is smiling and waving so much I break into a run to cuddle him… they all look so well… Bri has a fringe, Nerys has a big tummy and Joon’s smile hasn’t changed one bit, Tim and Emily had to go to work but we get our big hugs with them later on.

My Traveleeze works so well and with no drowsiness... I only felt the odd twinge on the plane and now as a passenger in the car am fine but it’s David in the back seat who is feeling queasy… he hasn’t been well with a bad cold and I think that last car trip got the better of him so we change seats and Gwil is amazed to see me in the back seat of the car when we arrive at ‘333’ at least 33 hours after we left Wood Green. Our favourite Chinese Take Away for dinner with the family tastes just wonderful!
It’s going to be 31c today… not good for us who are used to temps between Minus and a max of 5c but the pool it there and the house stays cool.
I will continue this Blog so it covers one year… we have so many exciting events to look forward to in the next few months it will make a good read in the years to come.
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