Sunday, 26 February 2006

All Alone...

I am the only Aussie left in Noel Park, maybe even Wood Green!

David is still in Scotland and now Tom, Emma and Abigail Rose have left for three days in Yorkshire... they’ve gone to meet Abigail Rose’s brand new cousin Issac who was born last week to Emma’s brother Sam and his wife Lisa… they only got back from their trip to India via New York on Sunday night and since then have planned, booked and paid for their Australian trip which will see Tom leaving for Dubai the day after we leave for Turramurra… from Dubai he flies to Hong Kong then back to London via Dubai again where he will have one and a half days with Emma and Abigail before they leave for Hong Kong and a job in China. Tom leaves London for Hong Kong about the 19th then the three of them fly into Sydney on the morning of the 26th of March where they will stay put for more than 3 weeks?? This means our whole family… all 12 and 3/4’s of us will be in the same city for 5 whole nights…

Gwilym and Emily leave for Europe on the 31st of March but I ain't going no where for a very long time!!!!!!!


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