Judy and I spent a few hours window shopping in Harrods, we really enjoyed ourselves. Harrods doesn't open till Midday on Sundays so Judy and I did a little walk around the area ending up in Hans Place and this lovely little park with all these rules!! One has to laugh eh?? Also noticed on a wall this plaque about Jane Austen... I love all the plaques around London although most of the people I've noticed I haven't known... I did spot a John Lennon lived here plaque in Camden Markets though.
I hope you can read all these rules and regulations just in case you thought a nice little sit in a park near Harrods was the go... Heaven forbid if you are a servant caught in the park without a child!!
Jane Austen again... she got around a fair bit didn't she.
We wanted to have lunch in Harrods but the cheapest thing we could find amongst all the eating places in the Food Hall was a toasted sandwich for £11.95 ($A27.55) now neither of us minded paying that for a good meal but for a Toasted Sandwich! Forget it! Anyway tucked in the back corner of the Food Hall is a Crispy Cream next to Harrods Hot Bread section so we bought a hot cheese and bacon roll each £1.50 and then Judy bought a coffee at CC and I bought a Diet Coke £1.30 then we stood at the CC Bar and ate our lunch!! LOL One Aussie and one Yorkshire cheapskate eh??
Of course we browsed in the Children's section laughing at the outrageous prices on simple things like a baby's T-shirt... admittedly it had a picture of a cute apple on the front and an apple core on the back but at £45 ($A103.75)... Lovely little Abigail Rose type dresses cost £119!!
THEN!! I found a 250g tin of Caviar that cost £1,500.00 I daren't convert this one... ($A3,458.55) one friend converted that to $A100 per egg! I had to ask the girl serving in this section if she'd sold any recently... no she said but they are popular at Christmas!
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