And now Tomo...
Our Tomos.
The day we arrived in London Tomos flew out to Japan to do a gig, he’d taken one weeks holiday from the show he was in on the West End called ‘Far Pavilions’ and while we were in Scotland he returned for the last week of the show he hated being in because it was so very ordinary… ‘Far Pavilions’ is no longer on the West End. Since then he has either done gigs all over the United Kingdom with the ‘Three Waiters’ or shows in Singapore or Hong Kong with a big One Man show coming up in Hong Kong over New Year.
Much to our surprise Tomos has turned into a great cook, a terrific gardener managing to grow several Australian trees and even having success with tomatoes… but best of all he’s turned into a very classy home renovator - confidently turning his hand at painting, building and anything else needed to make his home into the very comfortable and relaxing home it is… his most proudest moment was when he restored the old fireplace and lit his first fire, now we all enjoy that special glow instead of the very ordinary heat from the central heating. I knew he could cook but he’s managed to hide his other talents well all these years.
Tom is happy living in London even though there are aspects of it he doesn't like much, he is very much in love and supportive of his beautiful wife and she in turn brings out the best in him and to say he’s ‘gaga’ over Abi is an understatement… suffice to say Tom is one very proud Dad and rightly so because he’s one terrific Dad, never flinching at a dirty nappy or a long day at home alone with the adored baby, a trip to the local pool to teach her to swim or just sitting on the floor playing silly games… it’s when he talks about the best ways of educating Abi that I almost fall over… we always thought Tom thought school was just a social place to go till he was old enough to get out of there, I wonder what his own children with think of school??
I would be lying if I said Tom was an easy child to get to adulthood or an easy young adult to understand, he wasn’t by any stretch of the imagination… just ask his siblings… so to see him turn a full circle and become the very likable, loving and responsible citizen he now is... is very rewarding for both of us… I always had faith in him and to see and live with him now at the age of 32... well it's a joy I was a little nervous about hoping for when we left Australia… we are so very proud of our Tomo it brings tears to my eyes.
Auditions for the big Musicals will happen again after January/February so Tom will be giving it his best to get a decent part in one of the long running shows in the meantime he does really well with ‘The Three Waiters’.
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