Friday, 2 December 2005

Shopping and Fish Supper...

I spent the day Christmas Shopping in Guildford having a wonderful remember of what used to be where and what was still in the same place I left it. My second job in England, in 1969, was at Marks & Spencer where I learned to hang clothes on the hanger with the item of clothing facing me and the hook facing to the left… it’s something that has stuck with me and I’m ashamed to admit, I still hang clothes that way just in case I get into trouble from the Supervisor LOL

Friday Night…

Fish Supper at the British Legion Club in Normandy with the Aldershot and District Bus Interest Group. We had a very pleasant and amusing evening. David donated one of his Sydney Albion Bus DVD’s as a prize for the raffle and was invited to draw all the tickets. When a person’s number was called Gerry offered them one of many secret envelopes with a different number inside which corresponded to one of the numbers on the prizes… and of course you know why I am telling you this don’t you? Yes! My winning number was the Albion Bus DVD! Which was promptly donated back and replaced with another number and a bottle of French Wine. We enjoyed the night seeing some of the friends we’d already made on previous bus days… there was no drunken behaviour or rowdiness… maybe that had something to do with the fact that there was no bar… only tea and coffee available… not like our RSL Clubs eh??


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