Henfield Cottage.
Thursday 1st December First day of winter in England, first day of summer in Sydney.
Off to Guildford for a week to stay with our friend Chris Waugh, Chris is our friend Peter’s sister whom we met more than 37 years ago… she has been to Australia 23 times, working for David in the Washing Machine business for a couple of those years but more importantly scraping and repainting the ceilings of his Albion Double Decker.
Christine with Millie who she doggy sits for friends.
Before we get to Christine’s we drive further south for Henfield determined to spend more time finding 'Henfield Cottage', our first home together…and after lunch in the White Hart we find our cottage… No wonder it was so hard to find… both 'Henfield House' and the Cottage have been ‘done up’... the Cottage having been turned into a large two storey home and ‘Henfield House’ it’s self is looking very grand with a very attractive cream and white paint job, the gardens are looking well loved as well, just a glimpse of the Surrey Downs can be seen in these photos.
Henfield House
Henfield Cottage
Off to Guildford for a week to stay with our friend Chris Waugh, Chris is our friend Peter’s sister whom we met more than 37 years ago… she has been to Australia 23 times, working for David in the Washing Machine business for a couple of those years but more importantly scraping and repainting the ceilings of his Albion Double Decker.
Christine with Millie who she doggy sits for friends.
Before we get to Christine’s we drive further south for Henfield determined to spend more time finding 'Henfield Cottage', our first home together…and after lunch in the White Hart we find our cottage… No wonder it was so hard to find… both 'Henfield House' and the Cottage have been ‘done up’... the Cottage having been turned into a large two storey home and ‘Henfield House’ it’s self is looking very grand with a very attractive cream and white paint job, the gardens are looking well loved as well, just a glimpse of the Surrey Downs can be seen in these photos.
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