Yesterday we drove out of Glasgow and back into the countryside firstly visiting a man with trucks, before we got there David patted me on the leg and said... I'm not into trucks so we can have some quality time here! Quality time lasted all of 2 seconds... the trucks were Albion's and the same chassis as his bus!! He had another wonderful time comparing all the different aspects of the vehicles, I am always amused by the crank handle in some of these vehicles they are strapped to one side with a thick leather strap.
David asked how easy it was to start the engine, the owner cranked the handle once and it was humming... he invited David to have a go... many many cranks and much laughter later David was pronounced a failure, only one other Aussie was game to have a go and he had no success either... the owner had one more crank and it was running again... do you think this is what David thinks is 'Our Quality Time'??? I saw this enormous tree with these huge fruit looking things on it and discovered they were Horse Chestnuts, not edible and inside is what young boys use as Conkers, I always wondered where Conkers came from... NOT!
We were heading for a little village called Biggar which we reached at lunchtime and were treated to a marvelous homemade Scotch Broth Soup served by some volunteer ladies from I'm sorry to say I don't know where... naughty me I should have asked. The Museum at Biggar has a Quilt!!!
Brian Lambie whom I had already met in Australia many years before sought me out and took me directly to it. I was absolutely blown away by it and another one hanging next to it... both were in a darkened room hanging behind glass for protection, they were both made by a bloke called
Menzies Moffat who was a tailor in Biggar and had been to the Crimea War, this quilt took 7 years to make from felt and silk thread, is now 160 years old and in excellent condition. The Museum had no more information than that but there must be much more of a story behind it is made up of beautiful pictures of all sorts of people, in the top left corner is one man stabbing another, then there is a man wearing full uniform on a horse, then portraits of beautiful women... in the middle it looks like it could be the King and Queen of the day with portraits of their children around them... I was totally blown away by the tiny detail of every piece of every block and the tiny embroidery stitches joining each block. They describe it as a Tablecloth!!! The other quilt was just as beautiful and done in a star hexagon pattern. I have a poster of the first quilt and will scan it into this blog when I get back to London. I was ready to go back to Glasgow after seeing these but no... there were more trucks and buses to look at!
Last night was the finale of this part of the trip, we said goodbye to all the Scottish Blokes and the Aussies took off in different directions this morning... Now David and I can have Quality time LOL. We have one more night here in Glasgow... we must find a laundrette this afternoon... then tomorrow we collect our hire car and take off up North over to Skye then across to Inverness along that north coast and down through Aberdeen.
It is lovely getting emails and comments from you all... cheers for a few days, Pennie
Here are a few photos of the quilts and the old poster advertising a showing of the quilts.

Labels: Biggar, Quilt