Monday, 26 September 2005

Glasgow then London!!

Saturday we drive back north to Glasgow and visit friends Paul and Evelyn, the night before they tried to find us some accomodation near them and close to the Airport for our Sunday flight to London but to no avail... Monday is a public holiday in Scotland and almost everything is booked out. They do find us accomodation 20 minutes away from their home and very kindly direct us to not only check it out but again in the evening after a delightful meal and evening spent with them... and thank goodness they did I know we would have got lost many times. It is a pity that about 20 Liverpudlian Golfers were also staying at the hotel and didn't think it necessary to sleep so stayed up most of the night drinking and partying!

Evelyn meets us in the morning and leads the way to the Airport which is made complicated because a vital bridge is undergoing maintence. Thank you so much Evelyn and Paul we really enjoyed our two weeks on Scotland.

At the Airport we hand over our lovely bright blue Ford Fiesta which we did 1,120 miles in in 7 days and have an great short flight back to London, the plane came in over the north of London then banked to the right and along the Thames... we can see it all the Tower of London, Hyde Park, Houses of Parliment, Buckingham Palace the London Eye... what a sight!

How perfectly wonderful it is to be back with Tom, Emma and our adorable Abigail Rose... we really missed Emma's great cooking and hospitality and are now keen to find our own place nearby. Tom took off to Hong Kong a few hours after we arrived and I've just realized that he hasn't slept one single night in his home with us... he will be back on Wednesday morning before heading off to Leeds!


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