A Photo for Tom's CV and one of Tom and Emma a little more relaxed.

... I do get asked this question quite often, sometimes I'm up on how he's earning a crust but sometimes it's just one exciting blur. I did manage a good catch up chat with him the other morning, evening his time... he was waiting for Jonothan Ross to interview Russell Crowe on the telly :-) We used to watch Jonothan Ross, it was hard to miss him, he seemed to be on the telly all hours of the day and night.
Anyway... Tomo is in rehearsals at the moment for the understudy of the role of Anatoli in the musical 'Chess', it's for a one week gig in Oslo next month, he doesn't really like working 9 to 5 and it's not something he does often, the money isn't too good and he doesn't see much of Abigail, but it's another feather in his cap.
At the same time he's fitting in a couple of Three Waiters gigs on the weekends or evenings.
Also on the books is work on some Cruise Ships, they fly him to a port somewhere in Europe, he stays on the ship for about three days singing songs from Phanton and so on, then they fly him home from the next port, Emma and Abigail are able to go along on these gigs which will be wonderful for them all. Tom is making a CD to sell on these Cruise Ships which they say will sell well after eveyone hears him sing... I want some of those CD's for myself and my friends as well please Tomo.
On top of all that, Emma has a company called CPG Concepts which she set up with a friend in Hong Kong many years ago, Tom and Emma have started it up in London now and are organizing dancers, singers and so on for Events in England. Phew... Oh and of course Emma has about 12 weeks to go before our new baby is born... Double Phew!!!