Thursday, 4 October 2007

Would you believe it!

The Longs,..., originally uploaded by Pennie David.

See this family, they are the Longs... my Great Grandfather, Great Grandmother, my darling Grandmother (Mama) on the right, the little girl is my Great Aunt Cranky (Nancy), One boy is my Great Uncle Bill and the other one didn't live long after this photo was taken because he was killed in a shooting accident!
Anyway... I was talking about them to my Mum this week and she told me she never liked her Grandparents... I was shocked because I remember my Great Grandmother very well, she lost her marbles and used to let me do fun things like light fires on the carpet of her bedroom and so on... what kid wouldn't have fun memories like this eh!
I had to push my mother and asked why she didn't like them and she told me that my Great Grandmother was spoilt! What sort of spoilt was she I asked... Well said my mother... she told Great Grandfather that she wouldn't marry him unless he did all the washing... and he did for the whole of his life, with a copper and wringer. He was Headmaster of Windsor School and apparently it caused a sensation in the whole town!! I'm still laughing... we're talking late 1890's and early 1900's here! I was laughing so much I forgot to ask why she didn't like Great Grandfather! Maybe he had rough hands from all that washing LOL.


Blogger Dy said...

How wonderful to have historical family photos like that. And "Great Aunt Cranky" cracks me up! :-)

Friday, 5 October 2007 at 08:37:00 GMT+10  

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