Everybody's talking about Joon... I just wish we knew what they are saying!
NSW주 지방법원 10만 여 달러 배상 판결
한인 노동자의 신분상의 약점을 이용해 신체적 위해와 추방 등의 온갖 고초를 겪게 한 한인타일업자 부부가 법의 철퇴를 맞았다.
지난 21일 시드니 지역 법원에서 진행된 한인 타일 노동자 김재식 씨에 대한 감금 및 폭행 사건에 대한 민사손해배상 청구심에서 제라티 판사는 피고인 ‘Kyo Group P/L의 송경자, 박진호 씨에게 총 96,788 달러의 손해배상금 지불할 것과 더불어 법적 비용 모두를 부담하라는 판결을 내렸다.
So much easier to underatand when you use Babelfish LOLOL
This is what it said.
The NSW about week district court 100000 with the body hazard to use the identity coat weakness of the dollar compensation judgement Korean worker it underwent all hardship of the expulsion back and one Korean tile dealers concerned couple met a Buddhist priest's robe withdrawal. Me the mote it sold from the civil affair compensation requisition core against the confinement and assault event against the Korean tile worker Kim talent and Sea which is advanced from the 21st Sydney area court of justice which passes it lived and to bloom it was and and Song of Kyo Group P/L light it slept,, in the realistic good Sea and and and the compensation gold of the total 96,788 dollars with the fact that it will pay the judgement which is a charge legal expense all it hame down.
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