I hope my Parents aren't planning on running away from home!!
Rip and Rosie on their new scooters and wearing the appropriate head gear!
Pennie started this Blog in July 2005, it was going to be a short term Blog while we were living in England but it's become addictive so I just keep Blogging on!
Rip and Rosie on their new scooters and wearing the appropriate head gear!
This is Tim's place of work, see the two towers the shops below and behind the bottom block is the railway station... (JH calls his Daddy Tim for some reason)
Page 16 of the latest Down Under Quilts Magazine... it's interesting to see where people put the light stripe, I thought I made it to go down the left hand side looking at the bed from the foot but Gwilym and Emily have it across the bottom and now DUQ's have it on the right... a very versatile quilt eh :-)
I received this photo only minutes after they got home with their quilt... doesn't it look great! I think they like it!! :-)
Seven Miles from Sydney, one thousand miles from care! so the saying goes and for us it's spot on! Lots and lots more photos are on my Flickr.
Today we celebrated my birthday, everyone was here including our English family on iChat. Those of us in Sydney feasted on seafood and chocolate fondue in front of the open fire before playing Trivial Pursuit and Lego!
Here they all are dancing their little cotton socks off to the Beatles #1 Hits which is being played on my new sound system that they all chipped in for... I also got an easier to use mobile phone and flowers and flowers... am I spoilt or what eh??
I didn't get a good photo of Nerys or Tim today, Nerys was so busy being a good mother and good daughter I didn't catch her at the right time and Tim was crook so got into one of the beds upstairs for most of the day but below are some shots of the others in age from oldest to youngest.
These are the fabrics that were chosen for the 2007 Kambrachallenge... we were allowed to add as many other fabrics as we wanted this year.
Today 14 of us revealed our quilts, jackets, framed woven fabrics and dilly bags... Below is the quilt I made for Gwilym and Emily using these fabrics, it's almost 3 metres square so I had it machine quilted by Nic Bridges.
We always have a great day when we get together to reveal our challenges there is nothing better than catching up with a few friends, some of whom we only see once a year, lots of laughs, good food then the WOW factor of Quilt Revealing... this year as in the past 8 years you hear nothing but oooohhhs and aaaahhhs as each person stands up and shows us what they've done with this years challenge... as I've already said... a GREAT day once again!
Jackson Harry's Pre-School Photo... he's wearing a shirt that Gwilym wore at the same age.
After I posted the above photo I had to rush upstairs to find a photo of Gwilym wearing Jackson Harry's shirt, this is the only one I could find, it was taken at his 4th Birthday Party.
Now this has got me thinking of all those other embarrassing photos that are upstairs... there's the one with the Vegemite, the one standing on the ash heap... but I won't go on.
It's cold here in Sydney today, I know it's Winter but it's been more than 20 years since we've had it this cold, the temp got down to 1c here and when I got in the car I had flashing warning lights telling me 'Ice Alert' ... and my car was in the garage. These photos were taken at the local oval, we have too many trees for frost to sit on our garden.
These fabrics, chosen by Michelle, are the basis for our 2007 Kambrachellenge. Saturday is revelation day when 14 of us will show each other what we've made using these fabrics and as many others as we like. I made a large quilt for Gwilym and Emily and I can't wait to see all the others quilts, it's always a most inspiring day so stay tuned for more photos after the weekend.
Had a lovely long chat to Tomo last night and when we were about to hang up Tom asked Abigail Rose if she'd like to say good bye to Pennie... 'No... I'm a little shy' was the reply from the two and half year old!
Fantastic evening at the Sydney Opera House with the 'Choir of Hard Knocks' It was one of those happy, foot tapping, hand clapping, awe inspiring events that David and I will never forget... and it was terrific being able to catch up with Peter and Michelle for a light supper after the show.
This photo shows the 'Choir of Hard Knocks' in the first two or three rows singing 'Shout'. Many other choirs such as the 'Sydney Gay and Lesbian Choir' the 'Sydney Street Choir' joined the 'Choir of Hard Knocks' for the last few songs. I'm playing the CD constantly not only because 'Shout' is one of my all time favourites but because they do such a great job!
Check them out...
Nine of my darlings at a Swannies game at the Sydney Cricket Ground last March. Don't they look happy barracking for a winning Swannies team and they didn't do too badly with the red and white did they! Tom's only just downloaded his Aussie photos so this is why this photo is so out dated.
My nephew Michael was flown to America to ride an Australian horse called Anamato belonging to David Hayes... they came in Third which is a fantastic result. Congratulations Michael.
Maggie is one of my Internet friends and for years now she's shouted herself and some of her friends to a Top Class Seafood buffet at the Intercontinental Hotel for her Birthday... Just perfect for me being the Seafood-a-holic that I am! Maggie met 8 of her friends in this photo via the Internet... can you spot the Axe Murderer??
Quite right... there isn't one!
Photo stolen from Maggie's Blog.
Who comes every couple of years or so just to tweak our computers so that they run perfectly...