Tuesday, 17 July 2007

A Mysterious Story...

The Mystery of the Cyclist Clothes and the Mystery of the Lancome Towel!

Are these Two Mysteries related? You will have to be the judge!

The Mystery of the Cyclists Clothes.

Some time in 1998 when David was turning over one of our three compost bins his fork stuck into a pair of large sized Lycra cycling pants and on further inspection he discovered a matching Lycra shirt buried in amongst the compost.

Bobbin Head Road is very popular for Cyclists, the road down to Bobbin Head through the Ku-ring-gai National Park replaced the old hairpin road that is still eroding but very popular for walkers today… the current road was built during the Depression by Relief Workers it was designed to open up Bobbin Head as a Recreation area by having trams meet the trains at Turramurra Station… the Trams never ran but the road with its even gradient is perfect for cyclists.

The entrance to our home is on the south side of our frontage onto Bobbin Head Road, there is a driveway of about 80 metres to the back of our property and our compost bins are in the right hand back corner of our property so not easily seen from the road you have to agree.

I was a tad freaked out by this after we’d asked all the children, house guests and neighbours if the cyclists gear was theirs and came up with nothing but weird looks and negative replies, then on further inspection I was sure I could see blood spots on the brick driveway so we called the Police. They came, inspected the compost bin, the clothes and the supposed blood and just shrugged, gave us back the clothes and said they’d put it in their Incident Book and if anything came of it they’d let us know.

Mystery unsolved! (I now realize the ‘blood’ was just flying bird poo.)

The Mystery of the Lancome Towel.

Over the years we’ve had many house guests some staying a couple of nights, weeks or even months. One of our distant Rodd relations, (the Honorable James, now Lord Rennell of Rodd) stayed with us for about 6 months in 1987/8, he was a nice young 20 year old and fitted into our family very well… while he was here I gave him the use of two good white towels that had been given to me by my brother-in-law Bill, they had Lancome written in the fabric of the towels so were hard to miss. When James moved into a flat in Bondi with some friends one of the towels was missing and before James went back to England I asked him for it back, he was untroubled like all young men at that age and agreed but he never did so for the last 10 years my brain has accused James of stealing my Lancome towel!

I found that Lancome Towel on Saturday, it was thrown over a shelf in the Garage, filthy dirty with some grease on it… now before you all go jumping to the same conclusion as I almost did and I have to admit is easy to do… No! David would never take a good towel, he’s very good with rags checking with me before he uses one plus he’s very economical with his rags. The towel must have been thrown somewhere in the back of the garage and flung over the shelf while trying to find something at the bottom of a pile of Bus Stop signs or some other such thing.

While speaking to Tomo the other night I mentioned that I’d found ‘the towel that James stole’ he said… maybe it was the Cyclist.

Now my brain has gone into over drive… and this is what I imagine happened.

A Cyclist had a nasty accident outside our property, he ventured down the back… did he know us?? He grabbed the towel off the clothes line and went into the Garage to clean himself up, threw the towel into a pile of stuff then buried his clothes into a compost bin… then hopped back onto his bike naked!!

Does this solve both the Mysteries?? I think not.

While I was talking to Nerys about our Two Mysteries, we decided that a naked cyclist riding along Bobbin Head Road would have made it into the News of the World then she remembered she’s lost a good tee shirt, then she remembered she’d also lost a good pair of shorts… but we had the Cyclist down as a male…

Can you solve…
The Mystery of the Cyclist and/or the Mystery of the Lancome Towel?

Is ‘The Cyclist’ reading this Blog? Can anyone out there help us??


Blogger Dy said...

Oh wow Pennie, that's so weird! At first I thought it must be something mysterious like a murder, but after you explained about the towel and the missing clothes - well! I wonder what!!??

Tuesday, 17 July 2007 at 21:29:00 GMT+10  

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