Thursday, 31 May 2007
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
Monday, 28 May 2007
Sunday, 27 May 2007
Charlie with his God Parents.
Briony gave Charlie a copy of her favourite book, Snugglepot and Cuddle Pie with a photo of her dressed up as a Pretty Gum Blossom and Gwilym dressed as a Bad Banksia Man. Steve came all the way from Southampton in Hampshire and bought with him a DVD of Glastonbury Festival an event he would like to take Charlie and Jackson to one day andGwilym gave Charlie a beautiful Paper Bark Tree because it's Native Australian, Robust, Tough, Soft on the Outside, When it flowers it attracts the Birds!!!! and it lives for a long time.
Saturday, 26 May 2007
The Boyz working on the Falcon!
On Saturday Gwilym bought this 1965 Ford Falcon from the 91 year old man who bought it new... it has 69,000 miles on it and is in excellent condition, it's something Gwilym has always wanted since he sold his first Ford Falcon several years ago... this one cost him $6,000... guess where it lives till Gwilym comes to play!! Like father like son in many ways!
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Monday, 21 May 2007
Tomo with our two little girls in London
Monday night I was enjoying an iChat with Tomo, Emma, Abigail and Matilda when David drove down the driveway after collecting Jackson, Charlie and Nerys from the Airport... (Tim and Steve followed by train)... the little boys and I came down the hall and into the Office to see Abigail staring at her computer screen on my computer screen, you should have seen her face light up when she saw Jack and Charlie walk in, it was instantaneous just like striking up a match... there were lots of smiles, laughs, 'Hello's' and waving... aren't we lucky to be able to enjoy our little girls all the way from London.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Tempe House on the Cooks River.
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Mothers Day Gift.
This is one of the gifts that was in the goodie bag that Briony and Joon gave me for Mothers Day... We all laughed and Briony said she knew I'd get a laugh from some of my Internet friends. I do have one friend who is a member of the Sydney Swans and she did indeed get a laugh from my gift, didn't you Erica!
You couldn't actually call me a Swannie's Fan because I don't watch the games or follow the sport much at all I only barrack for the Swannies because of a few 'Cows'. The 'Cows' are a group of Internet friends from all over Australia, there are only 12 of us most of whom live in the Southern States and know about the game of AFL several of them do have teams that they follow year after year and a couple of the 'Cows' follow the team that the Swannies beat in 2005... so I don't expect a laugh from them! Although they did beat the Swannies in 2006... I'll wait and see if Kerry or Dy comment. :-)
Monday, 14 May 2007
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Happy Mothers Day Mum!
My mum's been mothering me for almost 62 years... hasn't she done a brilliant job eh?? Jokes aside... My Mum is a wonderful mum, she has her finger on the pulse of not only all her four children but all their partners, all 12 Grand Children, the partners of some of those grandchildren and all four Great-Grand Children... she even Skypes with Abigail and Matilda in London so how's that for a beaut up to date Mum! Thanks Mum you are much loved by us all.
Saturday, 12 May 2007
Jackson at work...