Saturday, 10 December 2005

Christmas?? What's that?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m really looking forward to spending Christmas with my lovely pommy family… but… it just doesn’t feel like Christmas here… for a start it’s Cold! Who ever said Christmas has to be cold??

This is what a real Christmas is like… Bright sunny hot days, sun up and warm by 6am, early morning swims in the pool, having breakfast on the veranda wrapped in a beach towel, crowded shops, the smell of Radiata Pine Christmas Trees, boxes of large sweet juicy cherries, trays of sweet juicy mangos, a midnight trip to the Fish Market for fresh lobster, prawns, sashimi and oysters, BBQ parties to attend, hampers to deliver for the Smith Family… to top it off at least 20 for lunch on the day it’s self with feasting on Seafood, BBQ Turkey, salads and the fresh fruits mentioned above… Then we look forward to the very quiet time after Christmas, our local shops of which there are about 20 almost all close down for at least one week if not two. Turramurra North goes very quiet… if one was that way inclined road races or shootouts could occur and no one would get hurt because there is no one around! Now that’s what Christmas means to us!

So what will we be doing here in London? Ha…you thought we had it all planned didn’t you? Well we don’t yet, Emma is still in Hong Kong and Tom has heaps of work on… all I know is that we will be sitting around Tom’s fantastic fire doing what people do when it’s cold outside! I am prepared though, I’ve sent cards and wrapped the pressies which I have to admit is easier to do when the weather is cold because the temptation to put it off and jump in the pool doesn’t exist!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have spent the last 30 mins catching up with your blog having missed several days.

We went to Hill End for the weekend, taking both boys camping and shooting. What a disaster! I won't bore you with the details but suffice to say that reading your comment that it was a surprise that Tom made it to adulthood means there is hope for Lachlan after all, and reading about the UK Griffithses ans seeing their photos has been wonderful therapy for me after a dreadful weekend. What a cutie pie that Abigail is!

Keep writing - I love reading about what and where you are up to.

Sunday, 11 December 2005 at 22:37:00 GMT+11  

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