Christmas Day.
Q 1. Why do bakers work so hard?
It’s a lovely morning in Wood Green a bit chilly but the sun is shining when Tom, Emma and Abigail Rose walk around to ‘188’ for present opening and breakfast of beautiful fresh fruit from South Africa, Chile and Israel then Orkney Island Smoked Salmon with English Scrambled Eggs with White Grape Shloer to help wash it down. Off we head to Tom and Emma’s to open yet more presents and to put the Turkey into the BBQ… we think about a walk but Abi needs a sleep and all of us are still suffering the coldy chesty thing we’ve had or are in the middle of having… not a single Griffiths in Wood Green missed this bug… anyway we decide a quiet time is needed.
Q 2. How do you stop a rhino from charging?
Abigail Rose loves all her presents… she got a bike that she’s decided to stand on rather than sit on and ride, she even lets go and puts her hands in the air… terrifying when the bike starts to move!! Kimba the Loin she adores so much she hugs him tighter than tight, he talks to her and she’s already worked out that if she talks to him he will continue to talk to her… it is a beautiful sight because Abi can't talk yet she just makes a noise and Kimba says ‘That’s Cool!!’ or ‘Wow!’ then asks another question. Look at her music set... she plays with for ages. Abi is such a little trouper she's making the most of every new thing even though she has a grotty nose, a cough and isn’t 100%
Q 3. What would you get if all the cars in England were Red?
The Turkey turned out beautifully as did the piece of Gammon I boiled in apple juice, all the veggies were terrific as well… it’s a nice change to have a big Hot Christmas Lunch… in the cold. My Jamie Oliver Sticky Toffee Pudding turned out beautifully and a couple of us went back for seconds!
Q 4. What do you call a blind dinosaur?
Our Christmas Crackers were a great success, each one had a numbered whistle in it with numbers to follow on a sheet of paper so we could make music, we had to have two whistles each but tried to make it as easy as possible so took consecutive numbers… well we didn’t make much music but we did make a good half hour of laughter… Tom and I were okay but the other two kept getting their #7 mixed up with their #8 or their #6 mixed up with their #5… but it wouldn’t have been as much fun if they’d got it right would it eh??
Q 5. Why is an elephant large grey and wrinkly?
We had phone calls from Gwilym, Briony and Nerys… it was so lovely to speak to them again when all the excitement had died down a bit, Sydney had the perfect Christmas day… 28c and sunny.
Q 6. What does Santa Claus use to weed his garden?
Boxing Day and a sleep in seemed to be the best bet, then a little play with our new pressies… but the next day… the 27th we woke up to Snow!!! We almost had a White Christmas!!! It does look so beautiful until the sun comes out and melts it, but at almost 4pm there is still some in our back garden... Oh I just looked out... it's started to snow again, I hope it keeps up during the night and leaves a good thick cover.
Q 7. What do they sing at a snowman’s birthday party?
My sister Meredith and Bill arrived in London today, we're all going to take them to lunch tomorrow to our favourite Pub on Turnpike Lane. David and I are off to Romsey on Thursday for a few days over New Year, Tom is off to Hong Kong for his show and Emma and Abi will head to Yorkshire. I will try to keep in touch.
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas as we did.
Okay… I know you all need the answers to our Christmas Cracker jokes… LOL
A 1. Because they knead the dough.
A 2. Take away its Credit Cards.
A 3. A red carnation.
A 4. Do you think he saw us.
A 5. Because if it were small, white and smooth it would be an aspirin.
A 6. His hoe hoe hoe!
A 7. Freeze a jolly good fellow!
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