Saturday, 29 October 2005

Scotty & Lulu

David and I head off to Sussex, Tom is going to Derbyshire with the Three Waiters, Emma is teaching a dance class with Abigail Rose in the morning and has tickets to see Scotty and Lulu, who are friends of hers in the afternoon... so we will catch up with the girls in East Grinstead at 2:30pm.

We decided to try the M25 as a way of avoiding some of the London Saturday traffic, we didn’t avoid traffic and it took us 3 hours to get to Henfield in West Sussex. Firstly we searched for our first home, which was a converted stables in the grounds of Henfield House… nothing looked familiar in the back streets of Henfield but we think we found the house but where are the stables??? Off to one of the Local Pubs, The Red Lion, for lunch and to ask what has happened to Henfield House, not even a 40 year long resident knows but he says to come back and find the old Post Mistress… we promise to do just that but have to rush to East Grinstead after lunch.

Scotty and Lulu are English guys who do a children’s show, they are well known in Hong Kong and are getting a name for themselves here in England. Jackson Harry is lucky to have been given a video of one of their concerts in Hong Kong and is they’re biggest and probably they’re only Aussie Fan…. I felt rather mean going to see them without him so here are some photos for you my darling little boy... I bought you a new DVD and a T-shirt so check your mail box soon.
Queen Scotty and Lulu
Only one Humpty was needed but four adorable little people walked up on stage, here are the last two.

Look how happy Abigail Rose is at finding she has her own seat! She loved the show but wanted to be up on stage as well... I wonder where she gets that from??
Here is Lulu, Kem (one of Scotty's 6 children), Scotty, Abigail Rose and Pennie.... and what's this??? who is that in the Background??? He wasn't allowed in the photo because he preferred to go for a walk than see the show!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pennie! This is very exciting! My parents lived at East Grinstead for years. Maybe 7 or 8? Next time you are there check out Herontye House - wrong time of the year but spectacular when the wisteria is in flower.

Thursday, 1 December 2005 at 22:54:00 GMT+11  

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