Saturday, 17 March 2007

Gwilym & Emily's Engagement Party

Gwilym & Emily, originally uploaded by Pennie David.

Today we celebrated the Engagement of Gwilym and Emily... twice... for Brunch we had about 50 family members, then for Afternoon Tea we had about 50 friends. Speeches were kept to a minimum but this one from one of Emma's old school friends needs noting... it was writen on a card that said 'Life is Weird'.

To my Dearest Em & Gwil,
Finding the love of your life at 19 is pretty weird. hanging onto that person (inspite of crazy jobs, crazy exes and crazy partying)... that's even weirder.
Travelling the world with that person and not wanting to rip their head off somewhere along the way... That's extremely weird.
And pulling off a Paris proposal withOUT it being even remotely cheesy... well that's the weirdest thing of all!
But somehow when I think of all the above in relation to you guys, it's not weird. It's just COMPLETELY AWESOME.
Happy Engagement, I love you both. Em xxx


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