Friday, 28 July 2006
Thursday, 27 July 2006
It's Raining Men...
It's Raining Men! Hallelujah! - It's Raining Men - oh Yeah! Four of them with chainsaws, two with power points, one in the kitchen, a plumber and David under the Bus!! It's not just a new kitchen that’s being attended to around here, we got permission from our local council to chop down one large gum which was leaning towards the house, several very large branches leaning the wrong way, one Ficus whose roots were pulling up the house and one Japanese Maple that was suffering from white fungus... it feels weird with them gone... here is the hole the Ficus has left.
With Ficus
Without Ficus

Wednesday, 26 July 2006
The Square House, Nimes. France.
We had a lovely Skype with Gwilym and Emily last night, while we spoke to each other each of us checked out each others Blogs which was fun and I found this photo of them at the Square House in Nimes... it's such a thrill to know your children have been to the same places you went 37 years ago, this on isn't the usual tourist route.
Gwilym and Emily.
Pennie in 1969
Gwilym and Emily's photo
David in 1969

Tuesday, 25 July 2006
Another Kitchen Update...
I'm absolutely exhausted, I must have walked 4 thousand miles in the last couple of days... no no I mustn't exaggerate, it's probably only one thousand but whatever it is it's a long way back and forth, back and forth, in and out, in and out, round and round, round and round moving everything from the kitchen to where ever I could find somewhere to put it. Lots of culling and cleaning happened but not all, I got so fed up I just dumped things in plastic bags to be dealt with later on which is probably tomorrow!! Awww well it’s all looking good.
Larder is finished... actually I have to find a different name for this room because it was just a Larder (a room for food, as in the lard!) but now it's a Pantry (a room for pans) as well... which sounds better the Lantry or the Parder??
Larder is full but everything else is out.
Everything all gone with new bases for the new benches.
New Kitchen... Just jokes this is the 'between' kitchen, I had to pack up and move all my Babushka's out.

Monday, 24 July 2006
Sunday, 23 July 2006
Happy Birthday to Me!

Aren't I the lucky one... look at all my wonderful flowers.

Jackson Harry helped decorate my Birthday Cake, I believe it was a bit like 'One for me - one for the Cake' but he did carefully choose my Candle... a Soccer Ball, well he knows I like to kick a ball around with him.
Later in the day which was moring in London we Skyped with Tom, then Emma and Abigail Rose, Jack and Abi were fascinated about being able to see each other... isn't Skype just Wonderful.

Boy I had a lovely day...
Saturday, 22 July 2006
More Wisdom from Jackson Harry...
Jack has a new Swimming Teacher called Jackie, he loves her and does everything she asks even putting his head under the water which is something he's tried to avoid till now. Last week after his lesson, while his Mummy was dressing him he asked if Jackie needed to go to the Doctor, when Nerys asked him why... he said, 'Her face, does she need to go to the Doctor?' Nerys then explained about freckles.
Nerys, Charlie and Jackson had just come home from Pre-school, Jackson helping as they got everything out of the car and into the house. Jack closed the front door and put the draft snake back in place telling his mother that he'd put the door snake back so no snakes would be able to come in.
One of Gwilym's friends is a plumber and we were looking for a new a plumber because our old friend Barry has moved up North just when all three toilets needed either a new bowl or a new cisten... so we called in Tim.
Jackson Harry and I went outside to say good bye to Tim when Jackson noticed the back of the car and ran off to show me... I thought he was reading the number plate... clever little three and a half year old I thought, but no he rushed to the side of the car and showed me the Toyota sign on the mudflaps which was the same on the front of his car. :-)
I did my Grandmotherly duty and showed him what the number plate said much to his fathers confusion when he repeated the story after he got home.
Nerys, Charlie and Jackson had just come home from Pre-school, Jackson helping as they got everything out of the car and into the house. Jack closed the front door and put the draft snake back in place telling his mother that he'd put the door snake back so no snakes would be able to come in.
One of Gwilym's friends is a plumber and we were looking for a new a plumber because our old friend Barry has moved up North just when all three toilets needed either a new bowl or a new cisten... so we called in Tim.
Jackson Harry and I went outside to say good bye to Tim when Jackson noticed the back of the car and ran off to show me... I thought he was reading the number plate... clever little three and a half year old I thought, but no he rushed to the side of the car and showed me the Toyota sign on the mudflaps which was the same on the front of his car. :-)
I did my Grandmotherly duty and showed him what the number plate said much to his fathers confusion when he repeated the story after he got home.

Tuesday, 18 July 2006
Monday, 17 July 2006
Sunday, 16 July 2006
Saturday, 15 July 2006
Friday, 14 July 2006
Gwilym and Emily in Castellane.
I just took these photos from Gwilym and Emily's Blog... they have been practicing Boules for the big competition, even bought their own set of Boules.
Doesn't Gwillo look French, right down to his position. They were beaten of course but they did manage to beat one team.
A team consisting of two ten year olds LOL
Well what do you know! I wonder if there is a Welsh Village called Gwilym as well.

Thursday, 13 July 2006
Winter in Turramurra

Friday, 7 July 2006
Thursday, 6 July 2006
Happy Birthday Nick.
It's my baby brothers birthday today, I'm too polite to say how old he is but he's 12 years younger than me :-) I just adored him when he was little, my real live baby doll so I spent my hard earnt money dressing him up... here is is as my version of a hippy... desert boots, mohair jumper and cords... How Cool!!

I still adore him... he's a terrific father and Uncle and Great Uncle... Happy Birthday Uncle Nick.

I still adore him... he's a terrific father and Uncle and Great Uncle... Happy Birthday Uncle Nick.