Another prefect day in Paradise with the Lunch Menu making our mouths water at the thought of Crabs, Turkey and Creme Caramels but the winner of the day was the fresh Blue Swimmer Crabs which were sweet and delicious and very meaty... Joon made a funny comment while we were laughing, yumming, smacking our lips and chatting as we cracked our crabs and ate the meat... He laughed and said in Korea there is no conversation when crabs are eaten... we didn't understand till he said they never got one each so it was grab a bit, crack it open, eat and grab again :-))
These two little darlings always want to help, the problem with that is they don't leave me much room to chop and prepare!!
Briony sporting her 'Naughty T Shirt', Abigail Rose, Jackson Harry and Joon.
Abigail Rose on the Easter Egg hunt... she didn't do too badly considering this was her first hunt.
Jackson Harry had a ball looking for eggs but he was very generous and shared his loot.
Put your hand up if you love Chocolate!!!!
Abigail Rose feeding the Lorrikeets some of her biscuit... no Abi feed them the apple in your other hand.
Briony bathing Abi... I love Briony's Pig Tails, I used to wear my hair like this.
Emma and Briony.

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