W11. Scatterday 'A'- Round Things, Vegetable & Something I like the smell of.

W11. Scatterday 'A'- Round Things, Vegetable & Something I like the smell of., originally uploaded by Pennie David.
This saying popped up when I made this Mosaic… I thought it most apt! LOL "There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." — Francis Bacon
Round Things - Animal Babushkas, I even have a Round Alligator Animal ☺
Vegetables - Asparagus growing in my garden - Asparagus cut - Asparagus cooked and ready to eat.
Something I LOVE the Smell of - “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” (With apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning) LOL Anise, Anisette, Star Anise and Aniseed.
Savoury - Chinese 5 Spice, Aniseeds and Star Anise.
Drink - Pastis is an anise-flavored liqueur and apéritif from France, I did bring a bottle back with me a couple of years ago but I can’t find it now and I know I didn’t drink it so I must have given it to one of the children. Marie Brizard Anisette is the one I really love but is impossible to find in Australia. (I know those of you who know me will be surprised by this declaration because I don’t drink Alcohol but I just love the smell of these Liqueurs and only have a teaspoon at a time.
Sweets - Licorice and Humbugs smell beautifully of Anise, if only I still had some Aniseed Balls left this would have made my three.
Brilliant again you always seem to come up with the best
Tried hard to do the mosaic with that site but won't upload my photos so gave up
Pennie, I love your artistically arranged asparagus, but I have to disagree with you on the delightfullness of aniseed - yecccch! I always threw away the black jelly beans!
As usual, Pennie, I love all your choices. I have to wrack my brains to even manage three photos. I am feeling very remedial.
Ah Pennie - those babushkas are going to carry you through a lot of categories! Love all your photos.
Gorgeous photos Pennie, and I love your little round animals. :-)
Star anise is such a pretty thing to look at.
Now Pennie, about those asparagus "growing" in your garden.... hmmmm...
Snap on the asparagus! Only I didn't wrap mine - is that prosciutto? Yummy! Just to be opposite, though, I really hate that aniseed flavour. What amazing animal babushkas. Is there a letter of the alphavet that you don't have a babushka for?
Fantastic as usual Pennie you have a great flare for this game.
Also love your row by row
Di... Could you please throw your Black Jelly beans my way! I can't believe some people don't just love Anise!! It's very medicinal you know!! LOL
Dy... And... yes... Confession time... I did make little holes and put those Asparagus into them in a space of my herb garden but they looked real enough for David to think I'd grown them and he lives here!!
Nola... Yes Prosciutto, Yum! Now I will have to go and check my Babushkas to see if I have the whole Alphabet :-)
Christina... try opening a Flickr account and make a mosaic from there.
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