Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Mum are we nearly there yet?

B:W#1.jpg, originally uploaded by Pennie David.

Over the weekend David found an old folder of mine with copies of invitations I'd made and stories I'd written, it was fun going through them but this one had us laughing ourselves silly remembering... it happened 20 years ago. Enjoy Nerys, Tomos, Briony and especially Gwilly!

Easter Sunday 1987

“Is this the day we go to Denham’s?’ asks the sleepy six year old Gwilly before he tumbles downstairs to see what the Easter Bunny has left on the kitchen table. ‘Yes, this is the day,’ replies his youngest sister, ‘We have to help Mum and Dad pack our things, I’ll help you then you can help me.’ Great organizer is Briony. ‘Breakfast first’ I say trying to get something sensible into them when I think of all those chocolate eggs and a long drive ahead.

Tomos has already left by 7:30am to sing the first of the two Sunday Services at St Andrews Cathedral, he’ll be back about 1pm for a few hours before he goes back into the City for Evensong. He then has 8 days of holidays… most kids get two weeks school holidays.

All day we pack, clean, wash and Nerys has a game of tennis with her boyfriend. Tomos leaves again at 5:30pm for the City… we plan to leave Turramurra around 8pm, pick him up on the way through and head South to Denhams Beach where David’s mother has a holiday house. Then Gwilly starts.

‘Are we going now?’
‘No Gwilly, not for a long time.’
‘How long?’
‘Three Sesame Streets, that’s how long.’
‘That’s a LONG time, why can’t we go now?’
‘Because Tom hasn’t finished at the Cathedral yet.’
‘But we’re all ready, why isn’t Tom?’
‘Would somebody please put a Video on!’ I ask nobody in particular. At last Storm Boy does the trick and the questions stop for now.

We set off... have only just picked up Tomo and still in the City when number four child asks, ‘Are we nearly there Mum?’ Everybody laughs which doesn’t help Gwilym and we all try to explain to him that it will take five long hours to get to Denhams and seeing that it’s now way past his bedtime why doesn’t he just go to sleep again, he’d already fallen asleep on the way into the city, I hope that isn’t all the sleep he’ll have.

The next hour is taken up with Tomos and Gwilym getting settled into the middle seat of the car with a lot of, ’It isn’t fair’ and ‘Don’t kick’ and ‘You have more room than I do’ and lots of ‘Muuuummmm!’ The girls had their act together in the back seat well before we left, they have headphones on and are listening to their favourite tapes and any movement always happens with the minimum of fuss.

Quiet at last.

Two hours later I need a toilet stop at Kiama but dare I stop the car? Will it wake them up and start them all off again? David assures me that Tomos and Gwilym are sound asleep and I will be safe to stop so I gently pull in, gently turn off the engine, gently open the door and Gwilly pops his head up… ‘Are we there now Mum?’ I just groan and tell him I need a toilet stop and of course everybody does as well so we all troup out then all climb back in again and the same old squabbling goes on in the middle of the car.

David gets very cross and threatens the boys with dire punishments if all is not quiet NOW! ‘Dad can I ask just one question?’ says the sweet little voice in the middle, ‘Yes Darling’ ‘Don’t get cross now Dad’ ‘I won’t, what is it Gwilym?’ ‘Are we nearly there yet?’ Now I’ve had it. ‘Gwilym you are not to ask that question again, do you hear me? I will tell you when we are nearly there! OK?’

All is quiet again.

About half an hour later David couldn’t find his pillow so Gwilym gave him his, ‘That was really kind Gwilly, you can have one more ‘Are we nearly there’ question.’ So for the rest of the trip Gwilly asks, ‘Can I use it now Mum?’ ‘No don’t waste it,’ is the stern reply.

We’ve almost made it, it’s almost 1 a.m. the bridge to Batemans Bay is in sight then through the town past the still lively Bowling Club…on Easter Sunday? Along Beach Road through Batehaven then, I’m pulled over by the Breathalyser Police. The kids think this is great fun and all fall over each other scrambling up to watch, ‘Tell them you don’t drink Mum, tell them,’ ‘They don’t want to know that, and they wouldn’t believe me anyway’ I say. ‘Why not? Why wouldn’t a Policeman believe you Mum?’ again from the littlest member of the family… thinking a change of subject would be a good idea I tell Gwilym that he can now use his question.

‘Mum, are we nearly there yet?’ YES shouts the whole family.


Blogger Michelle Watters said...

What happens at a Blowling Club?

Tuesday, 7 August 2007 at 14:35:00 GMT+10  

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